Sunday, December 6, 2020

Stool Makeover!

Y’all! I am BEYOND stoked over my stool makeover! So my cousin-in-law was sweet enough to give me an old stool she wanted out of her way. I saw a pin on Pinterest….of course, I did….where someone took an old stool and updated it to look like pencils, crayons, and paper. I immediately thought to myself, I AM TOTALLY DOING THIS FOR MY CLASSROOM!!!! I am so pleased with how it turned out!

If you would like to create your own all you’ll need is……

An old stool
Lots of paint varieties
Painters tape
A variety of paintbrushes

The most time-consuming part of this craft is waiting for each color to dry, before beginning another color. I also recommend using Mod Podge on your stool. I feel it will seal it off better.

SO WHAT DO YOU THINK?!?!?!?! Leave me a comment below!

FREE Santa Claus Cutting Practice Activity


We all love our tiny people! And helping them with gross motor skills is a must, even when we cringe at the thought of handing our 3 or 4 year old with a pair of scissors.

So, to create this adorable activity, all you need is:

  • Santa Claus Template (bottom of page)
  • Scissors
  • Glue Sticks
  • Cotton Balls
First start by cutting out all of your pieces. Each template will create TWO complete Santas.

Next, have your child/student cut along the dotted line on the beard portion of the Santa.

TIP: To incorporate shapes into the craft, ask your child/student to hold up the square. The square will be the beard portion of the Santa.

Next, glue all the Santa pieces together to form your Santa Claus.

Next, decorate your Santa’s face! Maybe draw eyes or glue googly eyes down. Draw a nose or some rosy cheeks. BE CREATIVE!!!

Finally, hang and give lots and lots of praise for how amazing your child/student did on their Santa!

This craft was created FREE for you by Another Rawrsome Blog. You may NOT alter this template for any reason. You may NOT sell this template for your own personal gain.


Friday, June 26, 2020

Organizing Essential Oils


I do not know about you…..but I was soooooooo tired of seeing this….

It was like no matter how hard I tried to keep them organized, I simply could never just open the drawer, grab the bottle I want, and go. I had to spend minutes searching for the ONE bottle I wanted, while my toddler was at my legging pulling at me. Sigh.

I have a weird obsession with office supplies. I LOVE office supplies! So I had a packet of blue, 1″, circle labels laying around and decided to do a little experiment.


So simple!!! I seriously LOVE going to my drawer and just grabbing the bottle I wanted and going. You should totally give this a try!!! 

Thursday, June 18, 2020

From Trash to Halloween Decor

So I found these two beauties for $1 at a yard sale, and free in my mom’s basement. So I decided to make them cute Halloween decor!

Spray paint the base –> Stick in 3 candles –>
Add a few bat stickers –> And Done!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Make Your Own "Lunchable" Lunch

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of paying $3.00 for ONE Lunchable, and it’s not even remotely enough food for my 9-year-old! So I have been trying a few ideas….

This is her favorite so far!

All you need is:


Naan Bread
Pizza Sauce
Mozzarella Cheese
Mini Pepperonis
Drink of choice


Reusable divided container
Throw-away condiment cups with lids
Baking cups (reusable or throw-away)

You can change this up in so many different ways!!!!

  • Nachos & cheese, fresh fruit or veggies
  • Ham, cheese, crackers, fresh fruit or veggies
  • Turkey, cheese, and crackers, fresh fruit or veggies
  • Carrots, broccoli, ranch dressing – for the veggie lovers!
  • Vanilla yogurt, granola, fresh fruit
  • Sweet Hawaiian Rolls, ham slices, swiss cheese slices, fresh fruit or veggies

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Cheesy Chicken & Rice Burritos

This recipe has a funny story behind it. Our new home is only 2 miles from my best friend, and 5 miles from my baby sister. Needless to say, we spend a lot of time together. So one night my sister and I were trying to come up with something to make for dinner. Neither of us felt like going to the grocery store. So we decided to compare our cabinets and come up with a meal with what we had.

Thus, Cheese Chicken & Rice Burritos were born!

(say this with the PowerPuff Girls theme in your head)

  • 1 pound boneless skinless chicken breast or strips
  • 5 minute rice
  • Tortilla wraps
  • 1 cup Shredded cheese (we used a variety of what we had, haha)
  • 1 can Rotel
  • Queso
  • 1/2 cup hot sauce
  • 1/2 cup ranch dressing

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Boil, then shred, your chicken. Prepare your rice as directed on the box. In a bowl, mix together the shredded chicken, rice, hot sauce, ranch dressing, shredded cheese, and 1/2 of the Rotel. Divide the mixture among the wraps, and wrap them up! Bake for 15 minutes. Carefully remove from oven, drizzle queso all over the top, then add remaining queso on top. Place back in the oven for 5 minutes. Remove and enjoy!


Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Meal Prepping

Meal prepping is all the rage today. More than ever before, it takes both parents working, full time, to survive. We parents are exhausted! We do not want to get up crazy early to make lunches for every person in our household! We also, after a long day of work, do not want to come home and spend hours in the kitchen cooking. This is why most parents grab fast food on their way to and from school and/or work.

I feel devoting a couple of hours on a Sunday evening to meal prepping has helped me TONS!

–> Please keep in mind: SOME MEALS YOU SIMPLY CAN NOT PREP!!!! Also, it is important to keep in mind what you are prepping. Some food items should not be kept longer than a few days after preparation.


Salads are a crazy easy meal prep recommendation from myself. You literally throw in some lettuce and the toppings you love. I purchased reusable bowls with lids (set of 8) and disposable condiment cups (set of 50) for less than $10! I make five on Sunday evening, and am good all week long!


Casseroles are such an easy meal prep! BUT, you must keep in mind what you are prepping. I never keep chicken for more than two days once prepped. You could even leave the meat OUT and add the meat IN the day you are ready to cook it…?


Having a set schedule for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner saves you a massive headache! I only set my dinner schedule. My kids always want the same thing for breakfast and lunch….smh….

By having a set dinner schedule, I save on groceries, time, and energy. I know exactly what I need to buy at the grocery store, which saves me from buying unnecessary items.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Summer Fun Tips!

Keep those man-sized mosquitoes away by using PIPE STRAPS to hold your tiki torches in place!

Pipe straps come in all sizes and are crazy cheap! The pipe straps I bought only cost 40 CENTS each!!!!

Enjoy a SUPER-SIZED round of everyone’s favorite game using only a few items!

To make this SUPER SIZED “Twister” mat you will need:
  • Four colors of spray paint (we used turquoise, red, yellow, and lime)
  • Cardboard with a circle cut out of it
  • Canvas drop cloth (painters use these)

Use the cardboard circle cut out as your template to spray paint circles on your mat. BE CREATIVE!!!! Spray paint your mat however you wish!

WHAT ABOUT THE SPINNER? We used our Twister spinner in our traditional game for our super-sized game mat.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Allergy Free No Bake Cookies

So as you have read in my previous blog posts, I have a niece with food allergies. This recipe is one of her favorites that Aunt Jenn (me) has come up with for her.


2 cups sugar
1/2 cup soy milk
1/4 cup cocoa
1/2 cup Blue Bonnet Light
1/2 cup wow butter
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 cups quick oats


Place your butter, sugar, milk, and cocoa in a saucepan. Heat over medium heat, stirring often until well combined. Bring the mixture to a rolling boil and allow to boil for 60 seconds (no little, no more), stirring occasionally. Remove from the heat, stir in Wow Butter and vanilla extract until fully combined. Stir in oats, stirring until well combined. Drop spoonfuls of the mixture onto parchment paper. Cool for several hours.

TIP – If you need your no-bake cookies sooner rather than later, stick them in the freezer to harden super fast!

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Allergy Free Cookie Dough Truffles

My niece is super stoked about the new recipe Aunt Jenn made for her! The sweet girl can’t even eat all of these amazing desserts on planet Earth because of her food allergies. Thank goodness for Enjoy Life brand! This amazing company has come up with TONS of allergy-free food items including baking chocolate morels! Thanks to these morsels, I was able to create my sweet Natalie cookie dough truffles, that are allergy-free!!!!!! No peanuts, No milk, No egg!!!!


5 tbsp softened butter
1 (10 oz) bag Enjoy Life Chocolate Morsel Chips
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 tsp Vanilla Extract
3/4 cup flour


Start by mixing your butter, brown sugar, and vanilla in a bowl. Stir in flour. You should have a “cookie dough” consistency. If you feel it is too runny add a little more flour. Mix in 1/2 cup morsels. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper (wax paper) and drop balls of mix onto paper. Freeze 30 minutes or until hard. Melt remaining morsels in 30 second intervals until totally melted. DO NOT over heat! This type of chocolate will get hard if you over heat! It took exactly 2 minutes for mine to melt. Using a fork roll your frozen balls in chocolate until totally coated and place back on parchment paper. Freeze 1 hour or until hard. Enjoy!